JZ Environmental Consultants, Inc.

Protecting Northern Wisconsin on
North America's Largest Ongoing
Transmission Line Project

One of JZ Environmental Consultants, Inc.'s specialties is consulting with large transmission line companies to help them deal with the complicated environmental issues involved in projects of this magnitude.

From 2005 to 2008, JZ Environmental Consultants, Inc. worked with several agencies and companies in the building of a 220-mile transmission line linking Duluth, Minnesota to Wausau, Wisconsin. This project was paramount to ensuring the reliability of power for the families and businesses in this region.

As dozens of crews cleared the right-of-way, poured foundations, erected 150 foot towers, and stringing power lines, JZ Environmental Consultants, Inc. coordinated all of the environmental facets of the project. They ensured every possible precaution was taken to preserve the land while working diligently to maintain production schedules. As the Construction Mitigation Planner, JZ Environmental Consultants, Inc. was instrumental to the success of this tremendous project from the very beginning.

JZ Environmental Consultants, Inc. was responsible for:

Construction Management

Erosion Control

Sensitive Areas Management


From mapping routes, conducting comprehensive surveys of endangered species, (both plant and animal), delineating wetlands and other sensitive areas, training over 300 workers on environmental compliance, coordinating communications, and monitoring the entire 220-mile site, JZ Environmental Consultants, Inc. brought balance to the project so all parties and interests were served.

For more on this project, visit ATC (American Transmission Company).